Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sewing and Health UpDate....

Those of you who follow me on IG will know I have been having a great deal of fun with a new die for my AccuQuilt GoBig cutting machine. The dies aren't cheap so it felt good to whip up 7 baby quilt tops over about 5-6 days. The die is called Crazy Quilt and it was a great way to use up a bunch of FQ pieces. You could lay scraps on the different cutting sections if you really want to use up some of you smaller pieces, but it would take a lot longer in the cutting process, so I just cut the recommended size of fabric.

The die creates a 10" finished block so all the quilt tops are 40" square. 
I also had pieced 3 quilts the traditional way, so I have 10 baby quilts waiting to be quilted.
Unfortunatley I haven't been on my machine for awhile and it and I seem to be out of sync. 
Software issues and operator issues I am sure and thought I would be able to get to the heart of the problem with a phone call to the company today, but life took me in a different direction.....

I received the call from my Oncologist while I was waiting for the technician to call back to help me with the long arm....
While the news was not what I was praying to hear, there was good aspects to it (if you can call it that) I am out of remission, the lymphoma is back, but the biopsy shows that it is the same low grade, slow moving kind that I was diagnosed with Dec. 10, 2018. It's not good that it has returned so quickly after I had such a good reaction to the treatment. (It was quite advanced at the time of the first treatment...) so my oncologist is referring me to a sister hospital in Hamilton for a second opinion on how to proceed and with which treatment. So now I wait again. Trusting in my great big God, who can do exceeding abundantly beyond all I can ask or think (Eph. 3:20) And ask that you all keep praying for me. 

I'm leaning in...holding on in faith...waiting on the Lord... in prayer for strength and peace...believing 
Knowing there is nothing too difficult for God!